Disability & the Law

This course examines disability as a legal category with implications for the rights of persons with disabilities. Students will be introduced to alternative conceptions and theories of disability and impairment, and will examine how law constructs and regulates the lives of individuals with disabilities. Throughout the course we will examine statutory provisions and jurisprudence in different areas including: family, reproduction, death and dying, health, human rights, education, social assistance and economic supports to understand how disability is defined and regulated by law. This course analyzes and evaluates how law can best achieve the goals of social justice, inclusion and equality for individuals with disabilities.

This course offers in-class instruction in an interactive lecture/discussion/presentation format. Students are expected to read the assigned materials before class and to participate in class discussions. From time to time, guests will be invited to speak about their area of expertise and/or their experience of law and disability.

Administrative Law

Administrative law is the body of law that governs public decision-making. It aims to ensure that all public authorities use their powers legally, reasonably, and fairly.
This course will be both theoretically rigorous and highly practical. We will study a set of foundational administrative law concepts (grants of authority, the limits of discretion, the duty of procedural fairness, the right to an unbiased decision maker, standards of review, and public law remedies) as well as their real-world applications including in the courtroom.
Each of the four Adjunct Professors maintains a broad public law practice. As such, case studies will include ministerial decisions, public inquiries, various administrative tribunals, municipal council decisions, environmental assessments, copyright rate-setting, supply management matters, indigenous elections, and parliamentary proceedings.