The cost of studying abroad varies considerably from program to program. When calculating how much an exchange will cost, students should include:
- the cost of tuition
- visas and study permits
- accommodation, food and incidentals
- air fare
- local travel
- health insurance
- currency exchange rates
Considering your costs carefully will help you make an informed decision about whether it’s feasible to study abroad. Being sure about your financial capacity helps to ensure that you get the educational, personal and professional benefits of an exchange without taking on financial burdens that may affect your studies after you return.
Funding Sources
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
If you are a full-time registered student during the formal exchange term, you’re eligible to apply for OSAP. You will need to complete and submit a supplemental form that provides specific program dates at your host institution. The additional form must be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Student Services; it will be forwarded to York University Financial Services on your behalf. If you are not from Ontario, check with your provincial government’s student loan program. Apply as early as possible as OSAP problems are more difficult to solve from outside the country. Students who submit their applications by June 30 will have their tuition due date deferred from September 10 to October 10.
Osgoode Bursaries
Students paying tuition at Osgoode during their exchange may apply for bursaries through the Osgoode Bursary Program. The Osgoode Bursary Program has a single application deadline in September. Letter of permission and summer program students pay tuition to their host institution and are not eligible for Osgoode bursaries for that period. Students on exchange for a single term may apply to the Osgoode Bursary Program if they are paying Osgoode fees for the term they study at Osgoode.
York International Mobility Award (YIMA)
YIMA is a needs-based award intended to offset part of the cost of airfare. The York International office accepts applications on an ongoing basis.