Government Funding

Government student loan programs are a key source of support for most law students. We strongly encourage all Osgoode students to apply for federal and provincial student loans. To ensure that your government funding is in place before you arrive in September, you should apply as early as possible (late spring/early summer). Applying for government funding is also an eligibility requirement for the Osgoode bursary program.

Federal Student Loans

You are automatically considered for federal student loans when you apply for a student loan in your home province. This combined plan offers loan assistance to students who are permanent residents of Canada, satisfy provincial residency requirements and demonstrate financial need. To be eligible for funding as a full-time student, you must be registered in at least 60% of a full course load of at least 12 weeks in duration (40% for students with disabilities). Learn more ›.

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

Ontario students are eligible for further provincial loans through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), and may be eligible for additional bursaries as well. Complete information about loans and bursaries is available from OSAP. You should complete the online OSAP application, available in the spring, as soon as possible. York allows you to defer your tuition fees until the receipt of your OSAP funding or until October 10 (whichever comes first), but you must complete the online application no later than July 15 in order to obtain this deferral.

York University Student Financial Services has step-by-step instructions on OSAP applications. York University, not Osgoode Student Financial Services, handles all OSAP-related inquiries. If you have questions, please contact York Financial Services at 416-872-9675 or

Students with Disabilities

If you have a permanent disability you can apply for aid according to guidelines on the OSAP website. Carefully read the Students with Disabilities section of the OSAP site to ensure you’re aware of all the funding for which you may qualify.

OSAP provides a number of grants and bursaries to students with disabilities including:

Students Planning to Study Abroad

York requires all students who are going on exchange and applying for OSAP to complete the Exchange – OSAP Supplemental Information Form. Return the completed form to York’s Student Financial Service Office at the Bennett Centre.

The dates of your study period for your OSAP application must reflect the academic schedule at the host institution, not Osgoode’s term dates. You may need to complete separate OSAP applications for terms at Osgoode and terms on exchange, if fees are being paid to the other institution. For more information, please visit York University – Student Financial Services.

Out of Province Students

We encourage students from outside Ontario to apply for funding from their home province or territory. Links to all other Provincial and Territorial loan websites are available on the Government of Canada site. Please note that York University does not defer tuition for out of province students. The first half of tuition is due on the first day of classes in the fall.