Osgoode Dean Lorne Sossin has announced that Professor Benjamin Berger will assume the role of the Law School’s inaugural Associate Dean (Students), effective July 1, 2015.
“The Associate Dean (Students), working closely with Assistant Dean Mya Rimon and the Office of Admissions & Student Services, will have general responsibility for oversight of student matters at the Law School,” Sossin said in a message sent on May 8, 2015 to the members of the Osgoode community. “Please join me in welcoming Professor Berger to this important role. I have no doubt that Professor Berger will make tremendous contributions to the Osgoode community and especially the student experience during his appointment.”
Sossin also took the opportunity to thank Professor Kate Sutherland for “all of her outstanding service as Associate Dean, First Year. We appreciate everything she has done to ensure the continuing success of the first-year program.”