Internet Connectivity

Service Details

Osgoode Hall Law School gives high speed Internet access in partnership with York University Information Technology.

Wireless – AirYork Plus

  1. Choose AirYork Plus from the list of available WiFi networks on your device
  2. Enter your Passport York credentials when requested

For detailed connectivity steps, visit: AirYork Plus


Try some of these troubleshooting steps if you are having trouble getting connected:

  • Change your Passport York password by going to Manage My Services
  • Move AirYorkPlus to the top of your network priority list
  • Forget and re-connect to the AirYorkPlus network

Wireless – AirYork Guest

If you are a guest of the university, and do not have a Passport York account, you can use the guest wifi.

  1. Choose AirYorkGuest from the list of available WiFi networks on your device
  2. Open a web browser
  3. Follow the instructions to complete a temporary registration and connect to the network

Wireless – eduroam

  1. Choose eduroam from the list of available WiFi networks on your device
  2. Use your educational institution’s account credentials to sign in

Note: If you are visiting another institution with eduroam, enter your Passport York credentials ( to use the service.


Try some of these troubleshooting steps if you are having trouble getting connected:

  • Change your Passport York password by going to Manage My Services
  • Move AirYorkPlus to the top of your network priority list
  • Forget and re-connect to the AirYorkPlus network

VPN Connection

A VPN connection is available to use a secure connection to York computing services.  Follow the the York VPN instructions to configure VPN on your device.

Available For

  • Osgoode students
  • Non-Osgoode students taking Osgoode courses


There is no charge for this service.