Granting Access to Auditing Students

Follow these steps to grant an auditing student access to the eClass site for your course.

Requesting a Passport York Account

If the student is an Osgoode or York student, this is not required.  For students auditing from outside of York University, complete the Sponsored Passport York Account Request to get them a Passport York account.

Granting Access to the eClass Site

Once they have a Passport York account, you can grant the auditing student access to the eClass Site.  You can do this by either completing the eClass Course Site Access Request Form or by adding them manually:

  1. From your eClass site, click Participants
  2. Click Enrol users
  3. Enter the student’s name or e-mail address
  4. Select Student under Assign Role
  5. Click Enrol users

See detailed instructions for this process.