Historical List of Full-Time Faculty

The following is a historical individuals taught as appointed full-time faculty at Osgoode Hall Law School. To view our current faculty, visit the Osgoode Faculty page.

While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, please contact the External Relations & Communications Office to report any errors or omissions.

Deans of Osgoode Hall Law School

NameStartEndDegrees and Qualifications
George W. Adams19711978BA (McMaster), LLB (York), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
William H. Angus19711996BA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (Columbia), of the Bars of Alberta and Ontario
Philip Anisman19781985BA, LLB (Toronto), LLM, SJD Berkeley
Louise Arbour19751988BA, LLL (Montreal), of the Bars of Quebec and Ontario
E. Douglas Armour18891912QC
Mark G. Aron19681970BA (Trinity College, Connecticut), LLB (Harvard)
Harry W. Arthurs19612005OC, OO, BA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (Harvard), FRSC, FBA
Ronald George Atkey19711975MP, BA, LLB (Western Ontario), LLM (Yale)
Joel Bakan19871992BA (Simon Fraser, Oxford), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Harvard)
Richard J. Balfour19781985AB (Princeton), BLitt (Oxford), JD (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
John M. Barber19661974BSA (OAC), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Yale)
Daniel Jay Baum19691990BA, LLB (Cincinnati), LLM, JSD (New York)
Ian Baxter19521966MA, LLB (Aberdeen), of Lincoln’s Inn
Margaret Beare19952019BA, MA (Guelph), Diploma in Criminology (Cambridge), PhD (Columbia)
Stanley Beck19671991BA, LLB (British Columbia), LLM (Yale), of the Bar of British Columbia
Edward Belobaba19751987BA (Waterloo), LLB (Osgoode), BCL (Oxford), of the Bar of Ontario
Janine Benedet20002005LLB (British Columbia), LLM (Michigan), Bars of Ontario and British Columbia
John Blanchard19541989LLB (British Columbia), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of British Columbia
Stephen Borins19691975BA, LLB (Toronto), of Osgoode Hall
Samuel Bradford19131929BA, KC
William J. Braithwaite19781985BA (Windsor), LLB (Western), LLM (London), of the Bar of Ontario
W. Neil Brooks19742014BA (Windsor), LLB (Western), LLM (London), of the Bar of Ontario
Donald J. M. Brown19671968BA (Manitoba), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Harvard)
Brian Bucknall19711977BA (McMaster), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Columbia), of the Bar of Ontario
Jamie Cameron19842019BA (British Columbia), LLB (McGill), LLM (Columbia), of the Bars of British Columbia and Ontario
Archie Campbell19771978LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Osgoode)
Jean-Gabriel Castel19591999O.C.,O.O., Officier de la Légion d’honneur, de l’Ordre National du Mérite et Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, Q.C., ,B.Sc. (Aix -Marseille), Lic. en Droit (Paris), J.D. (Michigan), S.J.D. ( Harvard), D. h.c. ( Aix-Marseille) , F.R.S.C., of the Bar of Ontario, Distinguished  Research Professor Emeritus.
Gordon Christie20012004BA (Princeton), MA (California), PhD (California), LLB (Victoria)
John E. Claydon19952005BA (Carleton), LLB (Queen’s), LLM (Virginia), of the Bar of Ontario
Mark Q. Connelly19741987BA (Toronto), JD (Columbia), of the Bars of Ontario, New York, and the District of Columbia
Geoff R. Conway19681971BComm (British Columbia), CA (Queen’s), lecturer in the Faculty of Administrative Studies, with cross-appointment in the Law School
Brenda J. Cossman19881999BA (Queen’s), LLB (Toronto), SJD (Toronto)
Irwin Cotler19701973BA, BCL (McGill), LLM (Yale), of the Bar of Quebec
Maurice Cullity19681984LLB (Western Australia), BCL (Oxford), of the Middle Temple, Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria
Peter Cumming19681995QC, BA, LLB (Manitoba), LLM (Harvard), of the Bars of Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, and Ontario
Derek Mendes Da Costa19651968LLB (London), LLM (Melbourne), of the Bar of Victoria, Australia
Signa Daum Shanks20142024BA (Hons) (Saskatchewan), MA (Western), LLB (Osgoode), LLM, (Toronto), PhD (Western), of the Bar of Ontario and the Indigenous Bar Association
John Grant Day19691971AB (Oberlin College), LLB (Western Reserve), Member of the Ohio Bar and the District of Columbia Bar
John Shirley Denison19111925KC
Michael M. Dennis19661968LLB (Osgoode), LLM (California)
Tim Edgar20112016BA LLB (UWO), LLM (Osgoode), PhD (Deakin)
Stanley E. Edwards19471949BA, LLB (Alberta), LLM (Harvard), of the Alberta Bar
S. Ronald Ellis19751985BA, LLB (Toronto)
D. Paul Emond19762014BA (Toronto), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
John M. Evans19751999BA, BCL (Oxford), of the Bar of Ontario
John D. Falconbridge19101954KC, MA, LLB (Toronto), of Osgoode Hall
Ivan Reid Feltham1961
BA, LLB (British Columbia), BCL (Oxford), of the Bar of British Columbia
Simon Fodden19692008AB (Princeton), LLB (Osgoode), of the Bar of Ontario
Arthur Lloyd Foote19641966BA, LLB (Dalhousie), BCL (Oxford), LLM (Michigan), of the Bar of Nova Scotia and of Osgoode Hall
Martin Friedland19611965BCom, LLB (Toronto), of Osgoode Hall
Judy Fudge19862007BA (McGill), MA (York), LLB (Osgoode), DPhil (Oxford)
Shelley A.M. Gavigan19862016BA (Sask), LLB (Sask), MA (Toronto), LLM (Osgoode), SJD (Toronto) of the Bars of Saskatchewan and Ontario
Joan Gilmour19902020BA, LLB (Toronto), JSM, JSD (Stanford), of the Bar of Ontario
Harry Glasbeek19722000BA, LLB (Melbourne), JD(Chicago), Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria
Marc Gold19801994BA (McGill), LLB (British Columbia), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
Alan Grant19711998LLB (London), of the Inner Temple and Bar of Ontario
Robert J. S. Gray19592000BA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (California), of Osgoode Hall
Leslie Green19862010BA (Queen’s), MA, MPhil (Oxford), cross-appointed with the Department of Philosophy
Warren Grover19691977BA Sc, LLB (Toronto), LLM (California)
Colleen Hanycz20032009BA (Toronto), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Osgoode), PhD (Osgoode), Bar of Ontario
Paul Harbrecht19691971AB (Loyola, Chicago), LLB (Georgetown), SJD (Columbia), member of the Bars of the District of Columbia and of Michigan
Reuben A. Hasson19752003BA (Cape Town), LLB (London), LLM (Yale)
James Hathaway19841998LLB (Osgoode), LLM, JSD (Columbia), of the Bars of New Brunswick and Ontario
Douglas Hay19812015BA, MA (Toronto), PhD (Warwick), (cross-appointed with the Faculty of Arts)
Dennis Hefferon19591988BA (Toronto), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
John Hogarth19681973BA, LLB (British Columbia), Dip Of Crim (Cambridge)
Peter W. Hogg19712004QC, LLB (New Zealand), LLM (Harvard), PhD (Monash), FRSC, Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand and Victoria, and of the Bar of Ontario
Anthony Hooper19701974MA, LLB (Cambridge), of the Inner Temple and the Bar of British Columbia
Newman Wright Hoyles18941923BA, LLD, KC
Shin Imai19962018BA (Yale), LLB (Toronto), LLM (Osgoode), of the Bar of Ontario
Terence Ison19801995LLB (London), LLM (Harvard), LLD (London), of the Middle Temple and of the Bars of British Columbia and Ontario
John M. Johnson19791980BA (Alberta), LLM (Alberta)
Tom Johnson19872016BA (Hons)(York), BCL (McGill), SJD (Wisconsin), of the Bar of Ontario
Jeffrey Jowell19681972BA, LLB (Cape Town), MA (Oxford), LLM (Harvard), of the Middle Temple, cross-appointment in the Faculty of Administrative Studies
John King18921916MA, QC
Paul Lamek19631967BA, BCL (Oxford), of Osgoode Hall
Bora Laskin19451949MA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (Harvard), of Osgoode Hall
Gerald Le Dain19671975QC, BCL (McGill), D de l’Univ (Lyon) of the Bar of Quebec, and of Osgoode Hall
H.  Allan Borden Leal19501966QC, BA (McMaster), LLM (Harvard), LLD (McMaster), of Osgoode Hall
Sidney N. Lederman19711982BA, LLB (Toronto)
Peter Levinson19701971AB (Brandeis), LLB (Harvard)
Allen Linden19611978BA (Toronto), LLM (California), of Osgoode Hall
Edwin Long19161925KC
James Lorimer19681970BA (Manitoba), PhD (London), assistant professor in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, with cross-appointment in the Law School
Ronald St. John MacDonald19591968BA (St. Francis Xavier), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (London), LLM (Harvard
Mark  MacGuigan19661967BA (St. Dunstan’s), MA, PhD (Toronto), LLM, SJD (Columbia)
Jeffrey MacIntosh19821983BS (M.I.T.), LLB (Toronto), LLM (Harvard)
Catharine A. MacKinnon19881990BA (Smith), JD, PhD (Yale)
James MacPherson19871993BA (Acadia), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Cambridge), of the Bars of Ontario and Saskatchewan
Donald Alexander MacRae19251945BA (Dalhousie), MA, PhD (Cornell), of Osgoode Hall, Barrister-at-Law, member of the Nova Scotia Bar
Peter Maddaugh19691977BA (Queen’s), MA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (Harvard)
Michael Mandel19742013LLB (Osgoode), BCL (Oxford), of the Bar of Ontario
A.H. Marsh18891912BA, LLB, QC
Dianne Martin19892004BA (Toronto), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (London), of the Bar of Ontario
Norman May19711976BA (McGill), MA (Yale), BCL (McGill), of the Bar of Quebec
John D. McCamus19712006BA (Western Ontario), MA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (London), of the Bar of Ontario
Ian McDougall19762008BA (Simon Fraser), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
Kent McNeil19872016BA, LLB (Saskatchewan), DPhil (Oxford), of the Bar of Saskatchewan
Alan Mewett19651968LLB (Birmingham), BCL (Oxford), LLM (Michigan), SJD (Michigan), member of Gray’s Inn and Osgoode Hall
Johann W. Mohr19691989BSW, MSW (Toronto), PhD (Graz), cross-appointed with Faculty of Arts
Patrick J. Monahan19822013BA (Ottawa), MA (Carleton), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
John Desmond Morton19521970BA, LLB (Trinity College, Dublin), of King’s Inn, Dublin
Mary Jane Mossman 19772017BA (Hons) McGill, LLB Queen’s, LLM London, LLD Law Society of Upper Canada, of the Bars of New South Wales and Ontario
William D. Moull19801988LLB (Toronto), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
David Mundell19591969QC, BA, LLB (Saskatchewan), BCL (Oxford), of the Bar of Saskatchewan
Allan Myers19721974BA (Melbourne), LLB, BCL (Oxford), Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria
William Neilson19661973BCom (Toronto), LLB (British Columbia), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of British Columbia
Graham Parker1965-19711973-1998LLB (Adelaide), LLM (Columbia), of the Bar of South Australia
Sidney Peck19661995BA, LLB (Toronto)
Andrew Petter19841986BA, LLB (Victoria), LLM (Cambridge), of the Bar of Saskatchewan
Marilyn L. Pilkington19802013BA (Alberta), LLB (Toronto), of the Bar of Ontario
John J. Quinn19821988BA (George Washington), JD (Indiana), LLM (Yale), of the Bar of Ontario
Iain D.C. Ramsay19882006LLB (Edinburgh), LLM (McGill)
William Albert Reeve18891894MA, QC
Benjamin J. Richardson20032010BA, LLB (Macquarie), PhD (ANU)
Neal Roberts19741986BA, MA, JD (California), of the Bar of California
John J. Robinette19291932BA (Toronto), LLB (Osgoode)
Christopher C. Robinson19121925BA, KC
R. L. Liora Salter19902016BA (Toronto), MA (Simon Fraser), FRSC
Joel Grant Sinclair19681974BCom (Manitoba), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Yale)
Brian Slattery19812017BA (Hons)(Loyola of Montreal), BCL (McGill), DPhil (Oxford), FRSC
Charles Ernest Smalley-Baker19491959QC, BA (Acadia), LLB (Harvard), MA (Oxford), LLM (Birmingham), of the Inner Temple, of Osgoode Hall, and the Bar of New Brunswick
Sidney Earle Smith19251929BA (King’s), MA (King’s), LLB (Dalhousie)
David Smout19491953MA, LLB (Cambridge), LLM (Birmingham), sometime Solicitor of the Supreme Court in England
Francis Snyder19711980BA (Yale), JD (Harvard), MA, PhD (Paris), of the Bar of Massachusetts, cross-appointed in the Faculty of Arts
Lorne Sossin1997
BA (McGill), MA (Exeter), PhD (Toronto), LLB (Osgoode), LLM, JSD (Columbia), of the Bar of Ontario
Donald Spence19501985QC, MA(Toronto), LLM (London)
Wishart Flett Spence19311947BA (Toronto), LLM (Harvard)
James Stribopoulos20062013BA (York), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Columbia), JSD (Columbia)
Barry D. Stuart19701971BA (Bishop’s), LLB (Queen’s)
Katherine E. Swinton19771980BA (Alberta), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Yale)
Larry Taman19731983BA (Carleton), LLB (Osgoode), of the Bar of Ontario
Walter Tarnopolsky1967-19681972-1980BA (Saskatchewan), AM (Columbia), LLB (Saskatchewan), LLM (London), of the Bars of Saskatchewan and Ontario
Martin Teplitsky19751978LLB (Toronto), of the Bar of Ontario
Eric Tucker19812022BA (Columbia), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Yale)
David Vaver1985-19982009-2024CM, BA, LLB (Hons) (Auckland), JD (Chicago), MA (Oxon), FRSC, of the New Zealand bar
Edward J. Waitzer20072020LLB, LLM (Toronto), of the Bars of Ontario and New York
Garry Watson 19662009LLB (Melbourne), LLM (Yale)
John F. W. Weatherill19601963BA, LLB (Toronto), LLM (Harvard)
Paul Weiler19651973MA (Toronto), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Harvard)
David Weisstub19701992BA (Columbia), MA (Toronto), JD (Yale), of the Bar of Ontario
Cynthia Williams20132020BA in Neurobiology (University of California at Berkeley), JD cum laude and Order of the Coif (New York University)
G. Antoinette (Toni) Williams19882006BA (Oxford), PhD (Newcastle)
Neil J. Williams19721979LLB (Melbourne), Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria
Sharon Williams19772013LLB (Exeter), LLM, DJur (Osgoode), FRSC, of the Bar of Ontario
John Willis19441949BA (Oxon), member of Nova Scotia Bar
Hall T.  Wilson19702001AB (Tufts), MA, PhD (Rutgers), cross-appointed with the Faculty of Administrative Studies
Stepan Wood19972017BA (York), LLB (Osgoode), SJD (Harvard), of the Bar of New York
Cecil Augustus Wright19271949BA (Western Ontario), SJD (Harvard), of Osgoode Hall, Barrister-at-Law
Robert J. Wright19731978BA (Toronto), LLB (Osgoode), of the Bar of Ontario
Alan N. Young19862017BA (York), LLB (Osgoode), LLM (Harvard), of the Bar of Ontario
Timothy Youdan19841994BA, MA (Cambridge), LLM (Toronto), Barrister of Gray’s Inn, and of the Bar of Ontario
J. McGregor Young18941914MA, KC
Frederick H. Zemans19712003BA, LLB (Toronto), of the Bar of Ontario
Jacob S. Ziegel19701974LLB, LLM, PhD (London), Member of the Bars of England and of British Columbia
Peer Zumbansen20042020PhD (Frankfurt), LLM (Harvard), Licence en droit [avec mention] (University of Paris-X-Nanterre)