Digital Feminist Activism and the Politics of Human Rights
Digital feminist activism has received substantial attention in the past few years. Feminist activists all around the world are embracing the use of social media to communicate and to mobilize, activate, and lead campaigns to raise awareness of violence against women (VAW). Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have provided a forum for women to speak out against sexual assault and harassment through sharing personal stories with an online community.
This panel will explore if #MeToo, as the most public manifestation of digital activism, is a global movement or local, a momentary blast or enduring, by focusing on context and culture. Join us as we ask:
What are the dynamics of women that engage in digital feminist activism as a contention of feminist crowds? What is the role of social media in furthering women’s rights discourse? What is the role of political and local regimes in incentivizing or disincentivizing participation in online feminist activism? How do women and girls use online platforms to make meaning of cases of gender discrimination?
Moderator: Sonia Lawrence
Kaitlynn Mendes – digital feminist activism #MeToo
Maria Corina Muskus – #YoTeCreo Venezuela
Guiomar Rovira Sancho – #MeTooMx in Mexico and Spain hashtags
Ahou Koutchesfahani- hashtag activism in Iran
Diretnan Dikwal Bot- online activism in Nigeria