Trial Advocacy

Quick Info
(5270.04)  Seminar
J. Rosenthal; Adjunct Professor
4 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Lectures, readings, Student performances plus critique, demonstrations.
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

An introduction to the techniques of trial advocacy in civil and criminal trials. Consideration is given to pre-trial preparation and case analysis, opening and closing statements, examination and cross-examination of witnesses, evidence issues, expert evidence, tactical questions and ethical issues that confront the trial lawyer. Students perform simulation exercises in small groups under the critical guidance of experienced trial lawyers and Judges. Students conduct 1/2 day jury trials with two-student counsel acting on each side of the case. Trials are presided by Judges of either the Ontario Court of Justice or the Superior Court of Justice.

Method of Evaluation: Class presentations, mini trials, final trials, attendance and a 5 page reflective essay that satisfies the Praxicum requirement. Grade is on a credit/no credit basis.