Theory and Practice of Mediation

Quick Info
(5960.04)  Seminar
B. Waters; Adjunct Professor
4 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Seminars, discussion
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

Theory and Practice of Mediation offers students an interactive opportunity to develop an understanding of the utility and impact of mediation within the context of the dispute resolution spectrum. Students will gain knowledge through lecture, group discussions, simulations, placements in the Toronto Small Claims Court (circumstances permitting), and final evaluated mediations. As well, the seminar provides an opportunity for students to undertake a paper assignment to examine both theoretical and practical issues discussed during the term. Students will be engaged in a hands-on learning opportunity to explore negotiation, mediation styles and tactics, while being mindful of ethics and professional obligations.

Method of Evaluation: Class Participation (20%); Mediation Assessment (20%); and a Research Paper (60%).