Taxation Law

Quick Info
(2080.04)  Course
Professor J. Li
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
Lecture, problems, guest speakers
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This is a foundational course in the JD program. It focuses on the basic provisions of the Income Tax Act (ITA) and fundamental principles and policies. The ITA is the biggest statute in Canada, raising about 2/3 of total tax revenues to finance public spending programs that Canadians want and affecting every aspect of commercial and personal life of most Canadians. It embodies the balance of equity and efficiency and the give-and-take reached by Canadians through the democratic process over the past 100 years.

As part of the legal system governed by the rule of law, the ITA recognizes taxpayers’ right to minimize taxation and “speaks” as precisely as possible to specify who is taxable and for how much. This course is thus “perfect” for learning key legal skills – statutory interpretation, problem solving and policy analysis.

The course uses an “easy-to-read” textbook and supplement it with the ITA and landmark court decisions. Guest speakers may be invited to offer insights on key issues and practical application of the law. Students are expected to be attend classes in person and be part of the learning community.

Method of Evaluation: (a) 10% for class attendance and participation and written reflection on assigned readings.
(b) 90% for a three-hour, open-book final exam that reflects the scope and content of the course.