Taxation Law

Quick Info
(2080.04)  Course
Professor I. Ozai
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
Videos, lecture, quizzes, group discussions, guest contributors
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course introduces the fundamental principles of the Canadian federal income tax system. We will concentrate on building a taxation vocabulary and exploring the social, political, and economic factors that shape the development of tax law. By the end of the course, students should understand why societies tax, who and what they tax, and how they do so; be familiar with the general structure and principles of the Canadian federal income tax system; and develop skills in close, critical reading and interpretation of primary and secondary legal sources.

The central focus of the course is on the tax principles for the treatment of revenue, losses, and expenses earned or incurred by individuals. We will further discuss general tax policy issues and situate the income tax within the broader Canadian tax system. To ensure students gain a practical understanding of tax law, the course will also introduce the tax administration and dispute resolution frameworks.

Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to hone their skills in interpreting complex statutory provisions and applying them to a variety of fact patterns. The course employs a combination of lectures, videos, quizzes, and problems for both group and whole-class discussion, providing numerous opportunities for active learning.

For those who fear numbers, take heart. This course focuses on the legal rules underpinning our income tax system, not on mathematics. Any math used in class or tested on the exam is limited to simple computational exercises to illustrate tax rules and their application.

Method of Evaluation: 100% final examination or optional 25% quizzes and 75% final examination.