Statutory Interpretation

Quick Info
(2930.03)  Course
B. Kettles, A. Porter, and D. Montgomery; Adjunct Professors
3 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Lectures, discussion.
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course will: (a) introduce students to statutory language; and (b) give students the opportunity to develop practical skills in the interpretation and application of statutory provisions. Various topics will be discussed, including:

1. Judicial approaches to statutory interpretation;
2. Interpretive Theory;
3. The nature of “legislative intent”;
4. Maxims and Rules of Interpretation, both common law and statutory;
5. Interpretive Presumptions;
6. Judicial notice;
7. Practical considerations in legislative drafting; and
7. Evidence of legislative intent.

The overall emphasis is on the language of the law and the practical application of statutory language and concepts.

Method of Evaluation: 60% Take-Home Examination, 25% In-Class Presentation, 15% Class Participation.