Public International Law

Quick Info
(2340.04)  Course
Professor O. Okafor
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
Lectures, discussion, guest speakers
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

Public International Law is the system of law relating to inter-state relations, the functioning of international institutions, the relations of such bodies with each other, and their relations with States, individuals, groups and other entities. It seeks an understanding of certain rules of law relating to individuals and non-State entities. This course is intended as an introduction to the norms, rules and practices of international law that are recognized as being binding obligations on sovereign states in their mutual relationships.

Topics will be covered from among the following: sources of international law; subjects of international law (States and non-State actors; self-determination; individuals; international organizations); rights and duties of States; recognition of States and governments and legal effects thereof; state responsibility for international delinquencies; international law applying processes in domestic legal systems; state and diplomatic immunities from suit in foreign courts; the United Nations Charter and limitations on the use of force and international dispute settlement.

Method of Evaluation: 75% for a two-hour open-book examination and 25% for a group mid-term assignment.
Option: An additional research paper (15 pages) for 25% reducing weight of the exam to 50%. Research papers are due on day of the examination in the course.