Managing Family Law Cases

Quick Info
(5660.03)  Seminar
Justice M. Kraft & A. Prewer; Adjunct Professors
3 credit(s)  2 hour(s);
Lectures, discussion, role plays, break-out sessions
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This seminar will focus on simulated family law cases. As “counsel” for these cases, students will examine and apply legal principles, tactical, ethical and policy considerations, and rules of practice and professional responsibility to complete tasks and resolve problems that arise in the day to day work of family law practice. Throughout the seminar, students will be exposed to the interdisciplinary nature of family law. Work with complex fact patterns will assist students to develop advanced analytical skills, client management skills and to understand how to work effectively with professionals such as mental health experts and business valuators to achieve optimal outcomes for clients. Students will engage in the drafting of documents and participate in mock courtroom appearances. Classes will be in-person.

Method of Evaluation: Role plays(35%); document drafting (ex: pleadings, motion and affidavit material, memorandum) (55%); and class participation (10%).