Legal Practice Dynamics

Quick Info
(6032.01)  Seminar
D. Glatter; Adjunct Professor
1 credit(s)  1 hour(s);
Lectures, Discussion
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course is an introduction to the skills and behaviours necessary to become a successful legal practitioner. It analyzes how lawyers think and work and equips students with foundational skills in managing their careers and succeeding in any legal environment whether in-house, government or private practice.
Being well-versed in substantive law is only half the battle in becoming a successful legal practitioner. This course will prepare students to excel in the practical skills they need to optimize their professional development – communication, collaboration, human capital management, productivity and practice management.
This course is experiential in nature with learning revolving around a fictional law firm. Topics include the following: communication skills (difficult conversations, feedback, meetings); practice management (delegation, productivity, docketing, file management); human capital management principles (being managed, managing up, managing your own career; teamwork); lawyer competencies; mentoring and performance management.

Method of Evaluation: Pass/Fail based on class participation