Legal Ethics

Quick Info
(2059.03)  Course
P. Vayda; Adjunct Professor
3 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Lecture, discussion, student presentations
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

Truly, consideration of legal ethics will be an integral part of everything that you do and say in your career as a lawyer. Legal ethics define your relationship with your client, your relationship with other lawyers, your relationship with the Law Society, and your relationship with the public at large.
Using readings, class discussions, group presentations and a take-home exam, we will consider the concepts found in the Rules of Professional Conduct, and in the principles of confidentiality, competence, loyalty, interests, access to justice, professionalism, and self-regulation.

Method of Evaluation: 1. Participation and attendance - worth 10 percent of the student's overall course grade.
2. Participation in a group presentation - worth 30 percent of the student's overall course grade.
3. Take-home exam - worth 60 percent of the student's overall course grade.