Legal Ethics

Quick Info
(2059.03)  Course
B. Bethell; Adjunct Professor
3 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Remote (Zoom), Synchronous online, lecture-based with opportunities for discussion, review, and problem-solving. Mode of Delivery: This seminar will be run remotely on Zoom. A physical room will be available at Osgoode where students can do the remote classes if they are at Osgoode, rather than only having the option of joining from home.
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

Legal ethics may be one of the only subjects in law school that every lawyer will encounter in practice. This course invites students to deeply engage, both conceptually and practically, not only with foundational principles of legal ethics, but also with lawyers’ duties and responsibilities to clients, to the profession, and to the wider community.  We will discuss and evaluate the tools lawyers may (or may not) have in approaching complicated legal ethical problems that present themselves, often unexpectedly, in a lawyer’s professional life. We will explore current practical dilemmas in selected practice areas.  We will also explore the influences of the adversary system on the pursuit of justice. (Please note that cameras are required to be on during class time in this remotely delivered course.)

Method of Evaluation: Participation and engagement (10%); case comment and short in-class presentation (20%), final exam (70%).