Lawyer as Negotiator

Quick Info
(3960.04)  Seminar
J. Odumeru; Adjunct Professor
4 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Lectures, discussion, and negotiation simulations emphasizing participation and learning in
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

Law schools have traditionally prepared lawyers for litigation and the courts, although in practice lawyers spend much of their time resolving disputes through forms of dispute resolution, including negotiation and mediation. Lawyer as Negotiator is designed to familiarize students with representative negotiation theory and practice, and specifically how theory informs the development of bargaining strategy in a legal setting. Students will attend weekly lectures, conduct negotiation simulations, and participate in small group discussions and coaching sessions which will introduce and critique the principles of representative negotiation. Students will be expected to prepare detailed negotiation plans for their weekly negotiations as well as a final negotiation held at the end of the semester. Students will be coached and critiqued by dispute resolution practitioners throughout the year and will be encouraged to reflect on and discuss their weekly negotiations in small working groups of either 14 or 16 students. The first half of the course will introduce students to distributive and integrative bargaining techniques as well as the importance of developing a negotiation strategy and a detailed plan for each negotiation. The second half of the course will focus on the importance of power, gender, culture, ethics, and emotions, among other issues, in representative negotiations.

Method of Evaluation: Students will be graded on a credit/no credit basis. Active participation, weekly exercises, and
full preparation are regularly required in order to receive a credit for this course.