Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law

Quick Info
(2110.04)  Course
S. Craig-Curnow; Adjunct Professor
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
In-person lecture and synchronous online small group discussion. Note: This course satisfies the Indigenous and Aboriginal Law Requirement.
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This substantive law course will explore the interactions between Canadian common law and Indigenous law, primarily Anishinaabe law. The content will be viewed through the lens of Indigenous worldviews. Topics will include, but are not limited to: Indigenous sources of law; historical context and constitutional framework re: Indigenous Peoples; Aboriginal Rights, Title and the Doctrine of Discovery; treaties; resource rights and consultation; and the Indian Act and Identity. The course will be presented from a practitioner’s perspective working within Anishinaabe communities, with attention to practical intersections between the various topics. This course fulfills the prerequisite requirements for the Intensive Program in Indigenous Lands, Resources and Governments.

Method of Evaluation: Evaluation will include 20% participation; Indigenous expert research assignment and two (2) quizzes, worth a total of 45%; and 35% Group Advocacy Assignment.