Collective Bargaining Law

Quick Info
(2515.04)  Course
Professor V. De Stefano
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
Lecture, discussion, problem solving
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course provides an introduction to legal regimes governing collective employee representation in Ontario and beyond. Students will gain appreciation for collective bargaining legislation and its particular scope and parameters of protection. Consideration will be given to the role of the state in protecting freedom of association through statutory certification procedures, the articulation of exclusive bargaining rights and the duty to bargain in good faith. Students will confront the underlying commitments of states in governing collective employee representation, how the Canadian model compares to other systems abroad, the influence of international labour law on collective bargaining regimes, and the deficiencies of existing regulations. Moreover, considerable attention will be given to the increasing impact of technology in workplaces, its challenges to existing regulations, and how collective labour rights represent a vital instrument to govern technological issues at work.

Method of Evaluation: Active participation and discussion in class (30%), take-home exam (essay question) (70%).