Civil Procedure II

Quick Info
(2230.03)  Course
M.S.F. Watson; Adjunct Professor
3 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Lecture, discussion
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This advanced course in Civil Procedure explores in greater depth certain topics dealt with in introductory civil procedure courses, and delves into other more advanced topics not previously studied. The subject matter includes the lawyer-client relationship (including conflicts of interest), motions, disposition without trial, cross-border litigation, discovery, insurance aspects of litigation, certificates of pending litigation, and interlocutory injunctions. Examination of the leading jurisprudence and recent case law under each topic is supplemented by extensive discussion of the practical aspects of and advocacy techniques associated with each procedure.

Method of Evaluation: 2.5-hour open-book 100% examination. Students may also opt to write an optional paper worth 40% of their overall final grade (length, topic and schedule to be approved by the instructor). Exams for students electing this 40% paper option will be worth 60% of their overall final grade.