Children And The Law

Quick Info
(5230.03)  Seminar
Professor S. Kierstead & P. McGirr; Adjunct Professor
3 credit(s)  2 hour(s);
Lectures, discussion, student presentations
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This seminar will examine both theoretical and practical aspects of child protection law. The theoretical component will include an analysis of family autonomy in the face of state intervention and the best interests of children in a risk-driven protection environment as opposed to the conventional benefits-driven best interests tests applied in private custody cases. We will explore Charter implications of various aspects of child protection law throughout the seminar, as well as the inter-disciplinary nature of child protection work.

The practical component will provide students with the opportunity to examine child protection issues through case studies and to engage in case preparation for selected fact patterns. Both theoretical and practical components will examine tactical, ethical and policy questions throughout the seminar.

Method of Evaluation: Evaluation - Final Research Paper (60%); class presentations/role plays/case preparation (40%).