Business Associations

Quick Info
(2020.04)  Course
S. Mehdi, A. McCoomb & P. Fitzgerald; Adjunct Professors
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
Lecture, Discussion, Presentation(s).
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

Following a brief examination of sole proprietorships and partnerships, the course will examine the corporate form of association, with particular reference to the Canada Business Corporations Act. The course will emphasize such matters as: the corporation as a distinct entity from its shareholders, the creation and organization of the corporation, shareholders’ rights and roles, management and control of management within the corporation, capital structures, corporate governance, the purpose of the corporation, stakeholder theory, corporate social responsibility and ESG; and the enforcement of corporate duties through the oppression remedy, shareholder derivative actions and other remedies.

Method of Evaluation: 90% open book examination and 10% in-class participation (optional group assignment worth 25%).