Advanced Torts

Quick Info
(2480.03)  Course
Professor D. Priel
3 credit(s)  3 hour(s);
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

The first-year tort law course covers the basic concepts of tort law by focusing on a small number of torts. Most of the course is dedicated to the tort of negligence. But tort law is more than negligence. This course is mostly dedicated to looking beyond negligence.

The course will begin by considering the relationship between tort and contract law, and specifically the possibility of limiting tort liability through contract. The course will then turn to the topic of tort liability of public authorities (including both negligence and other torts), which will examine the relationship between tort law and public law. The third unit will consider the various provincial regimes governing motor vehicle liability (with particular focus on Ontario law). Here, the focus will be on the relationship between tort law and insurance law. The course’s final unit will examine the economic torts (e.g., deceit, passing off, inducing breach of contract). Here the course will consider the relationship between tort law and some aspects of IP law and competition law.

Method of Evaluation: Final examination (2½ hours, open-book): 100%; Or: Final examination (same as above): 75% and Optional paper: 25%.