Admin. of Crim. Justice: Justice 360

Quick Info
(5010H.03)  Seminar
Justice J. Chaffe, A. Pilla & Justice P. Fraser; Adjunct Professors
3 credit(s)  2 hour(s);
Discussion, participation
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course is designed to provide students with a unique, holistic survey of the criminal justice system from all perspectives, an appreciation that all parts of the system are interrelated, and some assessment of how effectively it contributes to a just society.

Students will hear from and engage in discussion with exceptional leaders from different parts of the justice system, including: the former Attorney General of Ontario, the former Chief of the Toronto Police Service; Judges of the Superior Court Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice; a family member of homicide victims; an offender convicted of manslaughter; a leading forensic psychiatrist; as well as prominent Crown Attorneys, defence counsel, probation and corrections officials, and representatives of the fourth estate.

Students will review selected readings covering the constellation of theory, law and policy regarding each stakeholder’s role. Each panel of speakers will provide the class with a clear idea of the theoretical role that they play in the system and how that role actually plays out “on the ground.” The class and panel will discuss what is required to close the gap between theory and practice.

Method of Evaluation: : Discussion and Class Participation – 40%; 7000 word research paper fulfilling the UYRWR – 60%.